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기업 상세 정보
기네스 살바도르
유초중고 교육
국민연금, 건강보험, 고용보험, 산재보험
서울 마포구 월드컵북로62길 21 (상암동, 서울드와이트외국인학교) 인사팀



Mission Statement
The mission of The Dwight School Seoul is to provide an international education to the highest recognized academic standards.

Dwight School Seoul is committed to finding and igniting the “spark of genius” in every child. Kindling their interests, we develop inquisitive, informed, self-aware, and ethical citizens who will build a better world.

Philosophy and Objectives of the School

Enabling students to develop active, enquiring minds and effective learning skills:
through fostering a positive attitude to education and life-long learning;
actively encouraging students to take responsibility within the learning process;
facilitating the development of effective study skills and their application;
guiding students to set personal goals to help them reach their potential;
encouraging students to evaluate and reflect on the information they receive and critically analyse its relevance and application;
through teaching students to communicate effectively and imaginatively;
creating the opportunity to give differing views in an atmosphere of mutual trust, dignity and respect.
Striving for the highest educational standards in an international context:
through an accredited, balanced and rigorous international curriculum;
encouraging academic excellence;
through regular assessment to inform the learning process.
Promoting education beyond the purely academic:
providing opportunities for students to develop emotionally, physically, creatively and socially;
developing a culture within the school that reflects the spirit of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
enabling students to understand the relevance of their learning;
encouraging students to appreciate that knowledge for all learning is inter-related;
encouraging students to use problem-solving skills in a variety of situations;
ensuring that students are prepared with the necessary skills, concepts and knowledge to be effectively involved in an ever-changing society.
Encouraging student to develop a sense of responsibility and to appreciate that alternative opinions are also valid:
by encouraging students to make a positive contribution to the school, local and global communities;
by offering opportunities to enhance understanding, empathy and involvement with a variety of social, cultural and national groups;
by presenting opportunities to take responsibility for themselves and others;
by developing an awareness of the consequences of decisions and actions;
by requiring students to uphold the virtues of academic honesty and integrity;
by developing an awareness of human achievement and aspirations, and the search for social justice;
by promoting an awareness of environmental issues and encouraging students to take positive action;
by promoting a culture of peace.
Promoting a safe and supportive learning environment so that students thrive educationally:
by promoting a one-school ethos, whilst recognising the differing needs of lower and upper school students;
by helping students to adjust to the transient school community;
by placing students at their appropriate grade level, taking into account continuity of education, their age, knowledge of English and intellectual and social maturity;
through the provision of limited support for students with exceptional learning needs.
through maintaining facilities and resources appropriate for an international education programme.
Promoting education as a partnership involving students, teachers and parents:
by facilitating parents’ and students’ understanding of the purpose and value of a holistic approach to education;
by communicating to parents the knowledge, skills and concepts students will be exposed to during the course of a programme;
by providing formal and informal opportunities for three-way communications;
by providing parents and students with regular communication indicating student achievement and progress;
by providing appropriate advice and support before transferring to the next stage of education.
Recruiting, retaining and developing faculty who will contribute to the academic and pastoral development of the students at Dwight Seoul:
by providing opportunities and encouragement for staff to continue their professional development;
through staff appraisal, identifying areas of strength and developmental needs;
by cultivating an open culture in which staff are encouraged to express ideas and opinions;
by encouraging faculty to participate actively in the development of the school;
by recognising the need to maintain a work-life balance;
by supporting faculty through a well-equipped and maintained physical environment.
A process of continuous improvement:
through actively seeking feedback from the school community;
through external benchmarking;
by evaluating and updating existing policies and practices;
by maintaining an awareness of trends in education and their potential impact



서울 마포구 월드컵북로62길 21 (상암동, 서울드와이트외국인학교) 인사팀
잡코리아 기업정보와 NICE평가정보 기업정보를 기반으로 기업 프로필을 제공합니다. 잘못된 정보는 신고해주시면 빠르게 전달하여 수정 검토하겠습니다.
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자료수정 및 정정문의
잡코리아 고객센터 (T. 1588-9350, E. helpdesk@jobkorea.co.kr)