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Q What kind of work in algeria this company need

조회수 162 2020-12-21 작성
Im frome algeria i have been in korea now 2 years i have alot of experience i can doing well team work and im doing well electricite and like hand work this think too

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답변 2
  • 프로필 이미지 mentor6203362 해외영업 / 7년차 Lv 4

    This company is basically looking for someone who can take care of the construction camp where provide meals and accommodation to employees.
    The job title is management operator.
    You will be hired based on whether you can speak both Korean and Algerian as Koreans and Algerians will be there to work together. You will be able to understand what both parties require.
    As you have mentioned you have experience in electricity work but I wonder whether you will be in need of the skill. More or less, you also have experience in hand work(?), I guess you mean labor. This is considered `not bad` experience. However I wonder the company is really looking for that particular experience.
    Try to apply but you will need to speak Korean in interview.
    Furthermore, there are many companies in Korea do not hire foreigners.
    Thus, you have to try your luck.

    2020-12-23 수정
  • 프로필 이미지 TheK 헤드헌터 / 16년차 Lv 5

    Hello, you have to work with cathering and camp management in Algelria. I think you should be a good Korean. Because it`s very important to communication this company.

    2020-12-21 작성