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영문_자소서 문장 333선

2015-08-18 15:57 조회수 3,176 댓글수1

잡코리아 사이트에서 가장 좋은 반응을 얻은

예시 자소서문장 333

1. 소제목

I will become a nurse who delivers warmth to patients just like a warm


Accurate and quick delivery! I continue with the flow of distribution
as a ten-year veteran!


I conquer the world with passion! The youngest blood ready for the
tourism industry.


I will make sure my faithfulness and responsibility get recognized with
the best product.


Passion never gets old! The manufacturing technology of expert ease and


A young writer already absorbed in the charm of Japanese translation.


The best worker in the manufacturing sector armed with sincerity and


A delicate sports instructor! I will take care of the healthy mind.


With the service that manages to do everything, I am also confident in
the office.


I will dedicate to our business with the outstanding business skills
and a caring mind!


would like to grow up as if this is the very first step on Information


changing, hard-working, completing person.


person who treats the machines with meticulousness and sensitivity!


A to Z of web designing, my own young sense that can express much more.


pleasant hospital! A hospital you want to visit again! I will show you what a
colored coordinator is!


person who can take care of himself(herself) before he(she) can take care of
quality control.


office assistant who pays attention to the partners! I catch the right ways for


ending IT paradigm! My lifetime dream is to become the best expert in optical


fingertips! Nobody can match the taste! Kitchen is my stage!


and correct delivery, I am a professional who leads everything to the best.


I will be the one who creates a pleasant, bright workplace whenever, wherever.


English! An authority figure in computer! The right person for foreign


one who does what he likes is happy and is full of energy!


outstanding conversation skills! I am a professional English teacher who help
students dream of becoming global leaders by more than just English.


instructor whose goal is to move people! I am a professional instructor who
gives passion and laughter!


service in which every detail is alive! I deliver impression and satisfaction!


it is not the number one, but the only one in the office work


most important part in production is the precise quality control and process


special employee with sturdy body and soul regarding the management of the
construction field.


am a nutritionist who provides body health with competence and a healthy mind
with my heart.


designer who not only has skills but also designs that bring sensibility and


pushing myself makes the continued way of loan management wider.


planning and management! A professional, skilled IT multiplayer with seven
years of career!


harmony of technology and sensitivity make the new field in the semiconductor
research and development.


personal relationships, a dream developed with fast adaptability,

I would like
to demonstrate them in the practical field.


multimedia designer armed with the best sense and systematic studies on design.


web programmer who can see farther! I will soar high.


pursue perfection of a window system, from development to maintenance.


office management! Solid patience! A worker of persistence!


the day my service become the role model of all service!


one thing completed moves the hearts of people than just talking! Sales is


and delivery! A ten-year accident-free history! The expert of driving without
any claims on delivery delay!


complete it with an arresting visual design and young sensibility.


master with 30 years of work experience in electricity! I am making the best
efforts for electricity management today.


interior designer who can understand others and who is always precise in
practical work.


that links human to human with strong trust, the expert of overseas sales!


firm engineer in the field of vehicles, running, moving and accelerating more
than others.


guide who not only interprets Chinese but also feelings of the tourists!


developer who really knows the true attitude and ability of an experienced


trustworthy automobile mechanic whose constant self-improvement becomes the
career and competence.


2. 성장과정

My parents always emphasized the word "responsibility." The way I complete the given tasks with professional responsibility and perfection is thanks to my parents` teaching.  


As my both parents put emphasis on learning since very young, I have always been eager and happy to learn something. I believe that my curiosity on various fields and enthusiasm toward learning are thanks to the teaching of my parents.


Since young, I used to make model airplanes, admiring the sky. That was when I first started to dream of becoming an engineer and I have been putting the best efforts ever since.


Moving a lot since young, I transferred to many different schools. I could experience diverse backgrounds and could adapt myself to the new environment with my outstanding adaptability.


?My life was full of ups and downs rather than just ordinary, but I believe that success and failure are about studying my life and steppingstones for further growth. I am sure that every experience will be the driving force for me to develop as a stronger person of ability.


Since elementary school, a lot of people told me that I was talented in the fields of art. I also won a number of awards in art and writing. I believe that my knowledge in liberal arts is the foundation of my creativity.


Embracing the most basic attitudes in life- honesty, responsibility and diligence- I am endlessly trying and challenging, dreaming of a real creation.


My father, who has always been confident and earnest to escape being left behind by others, has left me such spirit. My mother who also gave me lessons on the faithfulness and progressiveness was another reliable support like my father.


Being a woman, I could grow up as a independent person who achieves her goals by herself rather than by relying on others, thanks to my mother who educated me that depending on others or being obedient are not the right virtues.


I used to spend a lot of time thinking when young. I was very careful in making a decision, making less mistakes than others. My parents and teachers praised on this attitude of mine.


the childhood, I could grow up as a bright, honest person in a harmonious
family. Thanks to my father who put a stress on "diligence" and
"faithfulness" I could become a morning person who starts his(her)
day earlier than others.


I was young, I used to go fishing with my father. The fish always never let the
bait go. My character to concentrate on a task and finish it has been naturally
formed thanks to this fishing.


to the lifestyle of my parents which insists that people should always be
hard-working, I developed as a morning person and therefore was never late for


the middle, high school years when I loved hanging out with my friends, I did a
variety of part time jobs and social service. I enjoyed meeting with people in
many university clubs.


father, believing that "diligence" is the most important thing in
living a life, wanted me to become the one who does his best in everything so
that I can confidently explore the future by myself.


have never been absent, late nor left school early from elementary school to
high school. I consider this `perfect attendance award` which I received for 12
years as an obvious result that directly shows my faithfulness.


my parents who both worked could not spend much time on me, they taught me the
way to obtain independence and this became the belief of mine. I had to eat
meals by myself since elementary school, and I had do the homework from school
all by myself.


since I was young, I made the home atmosphere as delightful as possible with my
cheerful character. I feel lucky that I could spend my childhood with a family
full of laughter.


to my mother who always took my side since young, my father always put an
emphasis on manliness and he encouraged me to behave actively wherever I am.
His influence has been so great that I am still acting as a leader in many
groups, developing my own leadership.


the thinking that possessing a determined goal for which I can give it all is a
really happy thing to imagine, I have lived honestly and tried my best in every
matter since school years in order to become a person who can take care of his


my friendly mother who shared food with neighbors whenever she cooked something
delicious, I could get an understanding on how to form a harmony with


the youngest, I could figure out the effective ways of communication by seeing
what my sister does and listening to what she says and I could learn the caring
attitude to respect the elders.


to solve things out by myself since young, I have become excellent at handling
a crisis and could grow up as a person with a strong will to never give up in
times of trouble.


considered getting along well with friends as important in my middle, high
school years so I spent a long time hanging out with my friends. That is when I
met my lifelong friends.


uncommon gifts in art and writing since young, I loved creating things and
thinking differently. I believe that this is due to my nature to be
disinterested in imitating the existing ones.


caring, loving parents always put an emphasis on honesty and faithfulness. My
parents are definitely my role models in that they have lived with honest,
diligent and yielding attitude for lifetime.


used to like making things with my hands. I made whatever I wanted, created new
things and challenged the adventures. The desire to make things out of my hands
has developed into a bigger desire to create bigger things.


since young, I was full of curiosity. I was only satisfied when my question was
answered, and asking "why?" was like a habit. This habit was the
foundation to grow creative problem solving skills as an adult.


I was quite introverted when young, I have changed into an extroverted person
by meeting with various people.


parents never said "No, you are wrong." My parents were the only ones
who did not say such thing. Though I was given the right to decide on
everything due to my parents who both had jobs, my parents taught me to take
responsibility for the wrong decision myself.


father always smiled in front of others and was modest. Seeing his virtue, I
could get the same character as that of my father quite naturally. Also, my
father always put an emphasis on `responsibility.`


have much pride in myself that I have never been absent, late nor left school
early from elementary school to high school. I consider this as an example that
directly shows my faithfulness.


I failed to do my duty on something, my parents scolded me severely and helped
me grow up as an adult of responsibility and independence.


have heard a lot of people saying the I resemble my father in many aspects;
whether it is my personality or taste. This might be why I was hugely
interested in (civil engineering) and even why I majored in (civil
engineering). I tried to do my best in everything I do to get the best results
and I have been trying to have no regrets in life.


an easygoing personality in my school years, I could get along with a lot of
friends and I liked listening to them rather than just insisting on my
opinions. I acted as a consultant and the letters I exchanged with my pen pals
are still one of my precious treasure.


our family was not rich, my parents always fulfilled their duties as human
beings and had a frugal mindset. Their attitudes helped me a lot in my
character building.


high school days, I was confident all the time and had not experienced a single
failure or any crisis. However, failing to enter the universities that I had
desired, I experienced what a failure was.


many friends on earth have you got? I have always been interested in meeting
people and communicating with them. Through many personal relationships I could
learn how to communicate with people and lead the conversation delightfully.


my family was not rich, the love and faith my parents gave me were enough to
grow up as a bright and pure person.


mother who wanted me to be responsible and faithful at anytime taught me never
to forget the manners toward people in order to become a person who deserves

 3. 좌우명 / 생활신조


mother has been supporting me while participating in many volunteer works
outside and assisting my father at home.


my best.” This short sentence is my favorite motto. I have been always doing my
best for any given tasks and I have never given up in the middle.


life principle is “Aim for the best way but prepare for the worst too.” Based
on this principle, I always take bo
th prudence and boldness into consideration
when take action.


am one of the people who think that there is nothing that cannot be done. When
everyone persuades me not to do something saying that I would not succeed, I
tell them “Let’s give it a try.” Even though I might fail, I believe that
making an attempt without giving up is more important than anything.


you never give up, nothing is impossible.” Thanks for this point of view, I
could always maintain dignified and positive attitude, being able to overcome
several crises that I have suffered.


proposes, God disposes.” With this motto saying that do what you can as a human
being and then wait for God’s will, I always do my best for any given


view of life leads me to pursue a socially desirable role model who can think
of balance which will maximize the public and private profit and then take
action based on it, rather than thinking of one’s own profit.


life principle is “Stick to the basics and do not be greedy beyond your
ability.” That is, I should only seek after compensation to the level that I
deserve. Therefore, I believe that for someone who always prepares and
challenges, a good result will be waiting for him/her.


your best and laugh last.” Based on this motto, I am living a life that always
tries best paying close attention to the last minute.


have been dealing with everything with a faith “Do not fool myself,” which is
my life principle. Especially, honesty and confidence is my very foundation for


4. 성격의 장단점


I possess active character which makes me overcome any hardships with active mind and spontaneous problem-solving attitude.

to my ability to listen to other`s problems, I have many friends who asks for
solutions with an open mind to me and everytime they do, I try my best to solve
them in their shoes.


I am
an ambitious person who always analyzes what I take charge of scientifically
and sets plans so that I can complete them until the end.


noticeable strength is positive way of thinking, confidence, and adaptability
which makes me achieve whatever I want to.


have confidence in my ability to make people trust me in terms of forming a
bond of sympathy with them.


have sociability to keep good relationship with others and always keep all
promises to maintain my positive first expression to the last.


strength is enormous driving force to complete what I want to within given time
just like a bulldozer.


I am
often said to be good at completing tasks very carefully thanks for my


possess diligence and persistence of doing my best at given tasks with


I am
often said to be have a vigorous imagination and wild thinking.


am often said to be faithful and trustworthy from my friends.

strength is strong driving force derived from the bottom of my heart. Whether I
date someone or work as a part-timer, I always try my best effort.


have fairly active and dynamic character. Also, I possess sharp analytic skill
and innocent nature at the same time.


I have strong opinions, I also understand other people with virtuous character.


to my careful and calm nature, I am skillfull at performing complicated tasks
which require precision.


have tenacity to never stop whatever I once start until I get the result.


warmth trying to understand and care for others is one of my strengths.


am bright, outgoing and responsible for what I take the charge of.


for my sociability, I have smooth relationship with friends and said to be
trustworthy for my confidence.


strong driving force for work, diligence, outgoing nature and careful
completion are my proud strengths.

5. 능력 / 특기

entered this university through one year of studying again for university
entrance exam. In order not to waste that one year, I studied my major more
hard than other younger friends at school.


used to neglect my major study due to my lack of interest in it but after
completing military service, I started to study hard and never missed any


challenged to study after completing military service in the hope of living a
new life. While studying my major, I have come to like my major and gradually
improved my competence in the major by achieving major-related certifications.


I chose this major which has been picked by my parents, I did not want to study
for this major. So I chose to transfer to this school with this major by
grasping another chance of mine.


came to be fasicnated by English in my childhood years because of English`s
availability of delivering each other`s thoughts through different language.
Therefore, I have come to major in English Literature according to my interest.


college life has been harmonious with good friends and warm-hearted professors
who gave best lectures.


failed to enter university at my first attempt and studied again for one year.
People say that one year was a total waste. However, since I did my best during
that year, I do not have any regret for the result given by my effort.


used to have such wide relationship in and out of school thanks for my
participating in various activities. I actively took part in departmental
activities and spent time happily studying and participating in activities as


major allowed me to recognize much vision and also set my life`s direction.
Ever since I majored in business administration, I have been keeping this dream
of becoming a CEO.


asked what I have achieved and when I felt to be memorable, I will answer that
what I have achieved is people and the most memorable time is meeting those
people at the university.


entering college, I have become more fascinated by my major as time goes by and
therefore, I tried my best effort to study as deeply as possible.


is not gold. It is life. Ever since I heard this saying from my professor in
the freshman year, I have been thinking about how I would be able to spend my
time wisely.


could widen my point of view through various experience such as extracurricular
activities and traveling abroad. While living with foreigners, I learned the
importance of understanding other cultures and the lesson that world is not
only one-dimensional.


have realized the importance of leader while leading our department for one
year as the student president at the university. Through this year, I had a
chance to harmonize with seniors, juniors and professors through communication.


think that the most important thing in school life is good relationship with
fellow students. Although my experience as class or school leader is also
important, I believe my biggest treasure achieved during school years is my
friends who spent my middle school years together with best memory.


me, the four year of college years have been precious moments that I could
achieve wide relationship and think about my own future not confined in my
ordinary life, just as the biggest turning point of my life.


university years have showed me totally different new world. I worked under
burning sunlight sweating hard, realized how difficult it is to make money and
also learned how to live with people harmoniously.


university years, the most memorable moment was when I led the group as the
leader since this pleasure coming from leading the organization while devoting
myself was far more valuable to me than just being passive.


university years were valuable since I could learn how to be independent
financially by working as a part-timer and taking the charge of my own finance


university years, the most important turning point in my life, have been
valuable with my serious consideration for my future while escaped from
existing life and also with wide relationship with people.

6. 경력사항

have been working and have gained field experience for (2) years by working in
the (Planning) Division for (JOBKOREA).


started my life in the society since (2002) through (JOBKOREA). Since then I
have been building my field`s responsibilities as well as experiences.


for (3) years after graduating university in this (Planning) Division, I have
learnt with great effort about the field that I didn`t know of. At the present
moment I have become responsible for a great subject and have grown to become a
talented person.


have been perfoming my best efforts and in order to expand more knowledge in
fulfilling my passion, I entered Graduate school.


(2008) until (2012), I have been working as a (Section Chief) in the Division
of (Planning) at (JOBKOREA), and I have managed to finish the projects given
with my own talents and abilities.


order to prove in
practise the
theories I had learnt in university, I participated in the (Korean Electronics)
internship as a (junior).


interning, I had the opportunity to learn in reality how to utilize my
theoretical and put it into real practise.


my university years I endured the dream of becoming a (nurse), and managed to
work for (Samsung Hospital) which was the beginning of my life in the society.


did my best to work with my best efforts and proved my talents and abilities
with no second thought during the (2) years, and I always tried to be an
example to my coworkers by showing great responsibility.


having worked in the (Planning) Division at (JOBKOREA) for (11) months, I moved
my Division into (Development).


period had become a driving force to improve myself once more, while also
planning different promotions.


graduation since (2011), I was employed in (Jobkorea)


enterned (GS Retail) in the Division of (MD) and worked hard in order to raise
customer`s satisfaction.


lifestyle and working style in (JOBKOREA) had been very strict, but it was a
place to learn a lot of things. Over there, I believe that I was able to build
my dream and be paid off for all my efforts.


started my societal life in the Division of (Marketing). I was very lucky to
work in the field I loved, so I worked even harder.


enterned (JOBKOREA) with a contract. I learnt a great deal of things through my
duties at (JOBKOREA).


was resposible for my duties in (JOBKOREA), and took the first step in society.


(10) years of field experience, operating my duties was not difficult. I am
planning to do my best in the fitted Division of (Planning) in this Company and
work endlessly to the contribution of the company`s development and state`s
industrial development.


wanted to see and learn from a wider world perspective, I worked hard to save
money and finally managed to go to (England) for language studies.


for (1) month at (JOBKOREA), I managed to understand and realize the overall
flow of the company and the systematic business management which contributed
greatly in living the society.

7. 지원동기

my duty at the previous company was what I liked to do, several difficulties
such as company`s condition and organizational culture made me determine to
move to another company.


apply for this position to work at the company where its CEO has a realistic
and clear mindset, where its profit model is stable, and where employees can
demonstrate their competence.


have come to apply for this position while searching for the environment where
I can make the use of my career, develop my competence more by new challenges
and make the use of that developed competence for the company`s further
development as well.


very motive for applying for your company is the pride of working for this
market leading company.


think that relationship between company and employees is more important thing
for me to work at the same company for a long time, rather than aptitude. I
believe that your company will fit me greatly since you tend to value human
resources very much.


movie for applying for your company is that 
I believe I can demonstrate my competence through basic knowledge
learned at school and develop myself even further at your company with


am confident that my previous experience can contribute to your company and I
also believe that I will be able to demonstrate my competence, ambition and
passion at your company.


think that now is the time for me to change in order not to lag behind in this
swiftly-changing world, swimming freely in this bigger, wider, and deeper ocean
without any fear for new start with strangers and new environment.


think that the image of your company is like the one of mountain. Since I am
sure that your company has good people and enjoyable work and protect the value
of fidelity and justice, I confidently apply for the position you offered.


apply for this position to become a propeller of your new business with my
challenging spirit at your company which has been admired by me since


apply for this position since I am sure that I will be able to make the use of
my past career and therefore I and your company can develop together by meeting
my huge desire for successful career.


biggest strength is that I can complete my duties quickly and precisely. With
this strength, I apply for the position you offered.


have come to see your recruiting while worrying about the previous company`s
unclear future. Fascinated by the fact that your company is following the
virtue of knowledge management, I have determined to move to your company.


order to fully demonstrate my competence through knowledge and experience
learned at school, I apply for the position your company offered.


lifetime goal is to live honestly and justly. Since I am aware of the fact that
it is not easy for me to live like that, I want to contribute to the society as
far as I can. I apply for the position you offered to become a devoted


people say that the workplace is your second home. I believe that I can develop
myself and demonstrate my infinite competence by working at the company.
Although I am not fully qualified yet, I think that I can make the use of what
I have to the full extent and therefore, I apply for your company.


apply for the position you offered to feel the sense of active accomplishment.


apply for the position you offered since I can contribute to your company with
my calm, silent character.


apply for the position you offered to have more diverse experience with my past


apply for the position you offered because I am confident that it will fit me
perfectly since I like people and manage time well.

8. 입사 후 포부

will never neglect learning the second language as well as English in order to
fit in to your strategy of activating overseas sales through expanding overseas


will complete any given tasks, if necessary, for your company`s higher
productivity with my passion.


will never neglect learning the foreign languages in order to develop my global
competence and to gain certificate for produce management.


will endlessly do my best to become a necessary member of your company and
society by being recognized in my field.


trivial things to important duties, I will do my best to learn everything with
my young sensibility and active attitude.


will become a responsible and bright employee whatever tasks given to me. I
will gradually develop myself, step by step.


want to become a trustworthy member of the organization. I will do my best to
be recognized by everyone and I will never lose my first passion for my duties.


I enter your company, I want to demonstrate my competence and diligence to the
full extent. I will do my best for my team`s efficient working and make a
pleasant atmosphere of our office.


every employee works with a sense of ownership, that company will develop
infinitely. With this sense of ownership for our company, I will bring the best
result, not wasting every single drop of water or piece of paper.


I enter your company, I will do my best to become a driving force of your
development with my competence and potential. Also, I will do my best at any
given tasks and learn everything to be recognized by everyone.


order to become an expert in my given field, I will focus on learning duties
when I am a new employee. Also, I will develop my competence through related
publications and journals. Therefore, I will do my best to suggest new ideas
which are helpful for our company.


will be ambitious, passionate and value even trivial things as a new employee.


I enter your company, I will learn everything necessary for performing my


will learn my duties swiftly and diligently with my quick adaptability gained
by working as various part-timers. Also, I will do whatever tasks given to me
as a youngest member of the team.


given a chance to enter your company with young possibility, various theories
and practical experience gained at school and previous company, I will do my
best to apply my competence to your company`s duties.


I enter your company, I will produce new values through my sales skills.


am confident that I will be able to demonstrate my competence to the full
extent at every moment in the field of overseas sales, with my competence in my
major and international mindset gained through endless effort.


department of overseas sales is the field which I want to work for. If given a
chance to work in the department, I will devote myself to challenging the


am good at gaining customers` trust by providing necessary information and
products and interacting with them. I believe that the best service I can
provide for customers is trust. In order to give trust to customers, I will
become a faithful salesman.


entering your company, I will develop my sales skills and sales network by
working at the local branch.



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