유한회사 짐머바이오메트코리아는 1990년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 6억 9,663만원, 매출액 643억 3,919만원, 사원수 71명 규모의 외국계(외국 투자기업)입니다. 서울 용산구 한남대로 98 일신빌딩 5층, 6층에 위치하고 있으며, 정형외과용 인공관절, 의료기기 및 의료용구 수입 및 판매사업을 하고 있습니다.

모집분야 및 자격요건

Sr. RA Specialist
( 정규직 1명 )


< Job Function >
Regulatory Affairs/Quality/Reimbursement

< Job Summary >
Responsible for leading the regulatory, quality, and reimbursement functions. 

< Principal Duties and Responsibilities > 

* New product registration & Maintenance of existing product licenses
- Product registration 

- License maintenance ? ECN, Renewal
- Communication and alignment with the global regulatory team to receive support for local product registration and management of local regulatory systems and processes
- Updating documentation for registration information (e.g., registration master file, SharePoint master file, distribution registration folder)
-Providing product registration status and results to the business team and related parties to aid in their planning and preparation; working collaboratively with the business team to identify and resolve registration and quality issues for operational effectiveness.

* Compliance with MFDS & Corporate QA requirement
- KGMP maintenance e.g. on-site audit and document audit
- Preparation of Korean labeling documents; Korean IFU & Korean label
- Prepare/revise/control QM, PD and SOP to ensure compliance with the Corporate and the MFDS requirements for Korea operations
- Tracking and following up on new regulations/requirements 

* Market Access
- Reimbursement price listing and nHTA submission for a new product 

< Expected Areas of Competence (i.e. KSAs) > 
- Competent English language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)
- Comprehensive knowledge of MFDS regulations 
- Strong writing and communication skills; ability to communicate effectively at multiple levels including with regulatory authorities
- Knowledge of medical device products and regulations and ability to interpret them
- Ability to manage multiple projects 
- Responsible, professional, detail-oriented 
- Strong computer skills

< Education/Experience Requirements > 

- Bachelor’s Degree in life sciences, technical (engineering), or related field; advanced degree strongly preferred
- Minimum of 6-7 years of experience required in Regulatory Affairs and/or Quality
- Certifications an advantage including Regulatory Affairs (RAC), Quality Auditor, and NIDS RAC

< Travel Requirements >
- No reason for disqualification for oversea travels 


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