한국외국인학교1999년에 교육청으로부터 인허가 받은 교직원수 270명 규모의 외국인학교로, 경기도 성남시 분당구 백현동에 위치하고 있습니다

이미지모집분야 및 자격요건

모집분야 및 자격요건 정보
모집분야담당업무자격요건 및 우대사항고용형태 및 급여근무시간
한국어교사( ○명 )
  • 한국어 교사
영어로 한국어를 가르쳐야 합니다.
교사 자격증 필수
1년 계약직 (평가후 재계약 가능)
연봉 5,200만원 (세전)
  • 주5일 (월~금)07:30 ~ 15:15
  • (월요일만 17:00 퇴근)

수내역, 정자역, 강남역, 논현역, 동천역 ⇒ 통근버스 운행


Skills and Qualifications

● Bachelor`s degree in Education or relevant subject and required relevant certifications
● Minimum of two years of successful experience working as a full time support teacher
in an accredited school setting
● Relevant experience in classroom instruction and assessment
● Ability to obtain a work visa in Korea (if not a Korean citizen) (successful completion of a
drug screening process per Korean law)
● Masters degree in relevant field
● Two years overseas teaching experience
● Training and experience in working with second language learners
● Experience facilitating advisory sessions, grade levels teams, as well as participating in
afterschool activities and clubs.
● Actively contributes to the school community beyond the classroom

Attributes and Competencies
● Contributes to a positive school climate within and beyond the classroom
● Collaborative approach to teaching and learning in course planning and assessment
● Proficiency with classroom instruction and assessment using standards based approach
to grading and assessment;
● Current understanding of best practices in education around standards-based
approaches to instruction and assessment;
● Deliver engaging and effective lessons that promote critical thinking, problem-solving,
and a deep understanding of concepts.
● Thorough understanding of relevant curricular standards that appropriately match
subject taught (e.g., Common Core, ACTFL, OSPI)
● Provide timely, relevant feedback for student growth

Safeguarding is a critical component of KIS accreditation and annual audit processes. Safe recruitment practices are followed to thoroughly screen potential employees. All KIS employees participate in safeguarding training throughout the school year. KIS expects employees, contracted service providers, families, and
volunteers to follow established codes of conduct and to be vigilant to possible signs of harm to children, immediately reporting concerns to designated safeguarding staff members.

● Apply and utilize standards-based approaches to instruction and assessment in a
primary classroom setting
● Demonstrates initiative, flexibility, and a positive attitude
● Will foster and maintain a caring, inclusive learning environment for all students and
work on progressive discipline models aligned with KIS core values
● Develop positive relationships with students and families that communicated learning
goals and expectations as well as instructs on areas of strength and need
● Commitment to diversity and inclusion

Dedicated teachers play a pivotal role in nurturing the comprehensive development of our
students by delivering high-quality instruction, constructive feedback, and
assessments.Teachers are actively involved in various aspects of student life, including club
sponsorship, advisory roles, and co-curricular activities. Collaboration within department and
grade-level teams, as well as maintaining strong connections with parents and school
counselors, ensures that every student receives the necessary academic and social-emotional
support. Joining our community is a fulfilling experience for those who are eager to contribute to
its growth.

Contact: Please send a letter of interest and a current resume to


  1. 서류전형
  2. 1차면접
  3. 2차면접
  4. 최종합격
* 각 전형별 합격자에 한하여 개별 통보/부서별 면접일 상이

Please send a letter of interest and a current resume to



  • 지원자는 회사에서 지정한 서류를 제출하고 회사에서 실시하는 전형절차를 거쳐야 합니다.
  • 전형절차에 합격한 자는 인사규정에서 정한 구비서류를 제출해야 하고 근로계약서를 체결함으로써 채용이 확정됩니다.
  • 회사는 필요시 구비서류를 사후에 제출하게 하고 채용을 할 수 있습니다. 다만, 채용된 자가 구비서류를 회사가 지정하는 기일 내에 제출하지 않거나 제출된 서류에서 허위 기재사항이 발견된 경우에는 회사는 채용을 취소할 수 있습니다.
  • 성범죄 및 아동학대 범죄 전력이 있을 경우 채용이 취소됩니다.