Financial Analyst 


유어피플은 2018년에 설립된 회사로 매출액 0 규모의 중소기업입니다. 인천 연수구 송도과학로 70 (송도동)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅, 인사컨설팅, 평판조회, 경력관리(제2018-3520133-14-5-00005호)사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Financial Analyst


- Responsible for monthly financial forecast, variance analysis of actual vs budget & vs prior forecast on monthly basis, annual budget process as business partner
- Support FP&A manager and Division Leader on preparing monthly business review presentation
- Support may include strategy development, annual budget setup & ongoing review, financial administration by collaborating with marketing, business admin, and other relevant employees
- Prepare short-term and long-term business plans with Division leaders
- Proactive participation in various ad-hoc projects regarding financial analysis with different stakeholder / divisions as appropriate
- Assess profitability of the product to facilitate management review&provide analysis, reports&presentation material for meetings 
- Responsible for monthly reports preparation and submission to Internal team
- Control and manage division OPEX and CAPEX budget and expenditure
- Improve the reporting process & provide management with transparent information to support business decisions

[자격요건 및 우대사항]
- 재무회계(analysis 3년) 5년 이상 경력자
- 재무기획 및 전략 경험자
- SAP 재무/회계 모듈 경험자
- 영어 비즈니스 레벨
- 학사 졸업이상 (석사 및 관련 전공자 우대)
- AICPA or CMA 자격 보유자 우대
- MS Office 및 OA능력 우수자 우대
- 대리-과장급


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