외국계 자동차 분야 

Process Engineer 경력자를 모십니다

포지션 및 자격요건

외국계 자동차 분야 Process Engine
( ○명 )


? Introduction of new facilities

? Facility improvement and automation review

? Facility maintenance/repair management

? utility management

? standard management

? Response to development work


? 4년제 전자/전기/메카트로닉공학과 전공 졸업자

? 자동차 분야 2-5 년 Process Engineering 경력, HKMC’s body or moving part business 경력자 우대

? Knowledge of manufacturing processes, materials, and production techniques

? Familiarity with industry standards and regulations related to door hinge products

? CAD, PLC 능


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