외국계 헬스케어사 OTC Marketing Manager 경력직 채용

커리어앤스카우트는 2008년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 3억원, 매출액 31억, 사원수 43명 규모의 중견기업입니다. 서울 영등포구 국제금융로6길 38 (여의도동, 한국화재보험협회)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅, 헤드헌터, HR컨설팅, 평판조회, 커리어컨설팅, 신문발행 외사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

제약 마케팅
( 1명 )


Develop and execution of OTC brand marketing strategies and action plans to meet *** objectives including people manage of OTC Marketing Manager.


Develop and lead marketing programs with engagement of internal & external cross functional team.
Work closely with *** sales team to ensure clear understanding of marketing programs.
Work closely with regional marketing team and global client to manage brand.
Lead marketing strategic and tactic and implementation in 360-degree touch point consumer marketing channels including TVC, Digital, OOH, PR, and pharmacy channel.
Analyze both market data (IQVIA) and internal data to define the sales forecasts & demand plan.
Measure marketing campaigns with data-driven analysis and insights via KPI dashboards.
Support/guide OTC marketing as team manager to meet the objectives.
Develop and enhance key customer relationships and partnerships (HCPs, clients, consumer)
Work as a core member of new BD project to develop marketing and go-to market strategy for new business opportunities.
Ensure all promotional activities are fully compliant. 



Bachelor’s degree or above.
Fluent in English (written and verbal communication)
+8 years of experience in OTC product marketing (Anti-fungal category experience is preferred)
Experience in IMC including TVC, Digital, PR and BTL.
Ability to work in a complex environment.
Sense of urgency in executing tasks and responsibilities.
People management experience is preferred.

Business and strategy analysis skill
Communication, Excellent inter-relation skills
Customer Focus, Decision making
Drive and achievement, Self-motivated
Leadership skill 


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