
[부산] EHS Sr Specialist / Manager 

  안전관리자 채용

존슨콘트롤즈인터내셔널코리아㈜는 1966년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 125억 2,500만원, 매출액 2,003억 8,195만원, 사원수 471명 규모의 대기업입니다. 서울 중구 마른내로 34 (초동, (주)케이티앤지을지로타워)에 위치하고 있으며, 소방시설 설치 및 점검사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

[부산] EHS Sr Specialist / Manager 채용 - 안전관리자 ( 1명 )


?    Organize EHS committee in accordance with Korean law (Serious Accidents Punishment Act (SAPA) and the underlying Industrial Safety Act (OSHA))

?    Assists with planning, establishing, implementing, and maintaining a variety of occupational health, safety and environmental programs to assure the highest possible degree for the organization.

?    Plan the delivery of EHS training programs

?    Prepare and distribute educational materials and information, audit, monitor and measure compliance with legal standards at company facilities and recommend actions for the correction of hazardous situations

?    Compile and submit accident reports as required using CHESS reporting system

?    Provide support for assessing and controlling risk in the workplace and a positive EHS culture within assigned business area

?    Carry out detailed investigations of incidents in the workplace and prepare appropriate reports including determining the root cause or causes of the incident

?    Work with authorities when issues are raised and deal with any follow up investigation or enforcement action to reduce or mitigate risk to the company

?    Collect monthly EHS information for APAC branches (Singapore, Malaysia and China) and Be responsible for EHS reporting in APAC to EHS in Europe that is one of plan of APAC marine SGA cost saving related with RTS Initiative #340954.

?    Management of production facilities (Management of equipment (cranes, etc.) repair/certification and renewal if necessary)

?    Management of the building (related to accident prevention and repair such as leakage, water leakage, damage, subsidence, etc.)

?    Management of fire-fighting (related to inspection/repair) and security facilities (management of security companies and facilities such as CCTVs)

?    Management of various taxes and utilities (water/electricity/gas, etc.)

?    Management of office rental equipment (composite machine, air purifier, water purifier, bidet, etc.)

?    Management cleaning, copying services and waste disposal company and status

?    Rental Car (Material Team Porter) and Seoul~Busan a walking bag Management (Mail Management)

?   Lent spaces management (Office lent to BT&S Busan Team, Factory lent to DongBang TECHWIN)

?    Office Supplies (Office Depot) Expenditure Management by Teams

?    Fixed Asset Management and Office Equipment Management


ㆍ학력 : 초대졸이상

ㆍ관련 경력 : 경력8년↑

산업안전기사 자격증 필수
영문이력서 제출 필수 ( 영문이력서 미제출시 지원 불가 - 추후 제출 가능) 

ㆍ영어 가능자 (이메일/회화) 선호

ㆍ    근무형태    :    정규직(수습기간)-3개월
ㆍ    근무지역    :    (46753) 부산 강서구 녹산산단261로13번길 21(송정동)


- 국가보훈해당자 및 장애인은 관련 법률에 의거 우대합니다. (증빙서류 필)

- 지원시 이력서(사진첨부), 자기소개서,경력기술(경력에 한함) 모두 제출 해주세요.

최종연봉과 희망연봉 반드시 기재


ㆍ서류전형 > 면접 > 서류증빙 및 처우 협의 > 채용검진 > 레퍼런스체크 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.