Project Leader(Project Management)


에드워드 코리아㈜는 반도체 및 디스플레이 제조용 진공펌프 및 가스처리 Solution의 Global No.1 기업으로 본사는 영국이며, 
세계적인 기업 Atlas Copco Group의 Vacuum Business 소속 계열사입니다. 2011년 천안 생산 공장 준공을 통하여 영국 본사의 
시스템 및 기술을 한국으로 이전한 에드워드 코리아는 혁신적인 인재들이 최고의 솔루션을 제공하고 있으며, 
하기와 같이 저희와 함께 할 인재들을 모집하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Project Leader (Project Management)


  • - The Project Leader will receive direction from the Regional Program Manager and Product Management, but will also interface directly with the functional teams and heads.
  • - The Project Leader is responsible for detailed planning and execution of project plans to introduce new products to the market. This includes calculating and assessing resource requirements, project costs, capital expenditure, project materials spend and development of business cases.
  • - The Project Leader will work within the confines of the Product Commercialisation Procedure (PCP) and is required to obtain approval from the various functions at various stages of the project. The Senior Project Manager will support the Regional Program Manager in this role by constructing detailed project plans and determining the scope of the project. This will require communication with the functional managers and key stakeholders to support the major Commercialisation Project Review (CPR) stage gate progress.
  • - The Project Leader will be responsible for compiling and presenting the CPR material with support from the various project team members.
  • - The Project Leader will be responsible for project schedule adherence, using appropriate tools and meetings such as Project Team Meetings (PTM). The Senior Project Manager must also ensure other formal reviews such as Design Review (DR) and Manufacturing Review (MR) are held on schedule and in keeping with PCP process. They will also support and follow new developments and changes to this process
  • - The Project Leader will be required to be involved in projects from early concept selection (Gate 1) but will have responsibility to oversee the lifecycle of the project from Gate 2 through to factory implementation ? including planning and executing pre-production and handover to operations completing at gate 6


ㆍ경력 : 제품개발 Project Management 경력 10년 이상(과장/차장/부장, 팀원급)

Production planning /Production management/New product launch.
Experience of the advanced manufacturing methods used producing the sector products.
Experience of the full Product Commercialisation Procedure (PCP) from concept selection to factory implementation.
A proven ability to manage projects - delivering products on time, to specification and on budget.


- 전기/전자공학, 산업공학, 기계/자동차공학
- TOEIC 800급(점) 이상, OPIC IH급(점) 이상, TOEIC Speaking Test 7급(점) 이상
- 영어가능자, 영어능통자


ㆍ지원방법: 채용담당자 E-Mail( 또는 잡코리아 입사지원

ㆍ제출서류: 국/영문 이력서 및 국/영문 경력기술서(각 자유양식, 직무역량 위주 작성)


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접(직무/영어역량 평가) > 임원면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


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