IT Infra PM

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모집분야 및 자격요건

IT Infra PM(고객사 근무)

< 담당업무 및 지원자격 >

- 고객사(서울 중구 소재 외국계 은행) IT Infra PM 업무진행

Role ? Technical Project Manager/IT Application Owner.(Korean Language Skills Needed)


IT Application Owner is responsible for identifying and Assessing the current state technological infrastructure for gaps or potential improvements using their knowledge of infrastructure solutions and where industry innovations are in their lifecycles.

Work includes:

·        Determining the appropriate technological solutions to balance delivery and compliance

·        Identifying gaps in the current infrastructure solutions and implementing the associated improvements whilst ensuring compliance with technical roadmaps

·        Improving the safety and security of  IT Applications, compliance with internal and external standards and operational readiness

·        Supporting the bank’s audit function in the remediation of audit points and issues in order to reduce risk

·        Identifying and assessing IT Application risk and implementing the associated technology measures

·        Contributing and assisting the implementation of policy and strategy specific to IT management and Information Security

·        Identifying opportunities to incorporate new technologies/approaches into best practice


Production is responsible for the supply of IT services to the bank.

Work includes:

·        Resolving events and complex issues with an awareness of overlapping and different technology areas

·        Identifying where IT designs can be strengthened and provide value to the bank

·        Partnering with product development to ensure that the business needs for each targeted segment are incorporated into product design and branding approaches

·        Providing technical delivery governance on all related IT platforms and delivering technical expertise for support in outage co-ordination

·        Embracing a Continuous Service Improvement approach to drive efficiencies and remove repetition to stream-line support activities


- 영어 우수한 분


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