[커민스 코리아] 

Account Management Specialist 


Cummins는 1919년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 3억원, 매출액 34억 7천만, 사원수 35명 규모의 외국계(외국 법인기타)입니다. 서울 강남구 영동대로 517 아셈타워 25층에 위치하고 있으며, 무역업(엔진),무역대리사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )

  • 근무지 : 서울 강남구 삼성동
  • 고용형태: 정직원 (과장~차장)
  • 포지션 : 국내 주요 건살장비 고객사 ( HD현대건설기계, HD현대인프라코어,Volvo코리아 ) 산업용 엔진 공급 관련 Key Account (Sales & Marketing)담당
  • 주요업무

u  주요 고객사의 Key window 역할

u  계약 및 단가 협의 및 체결 관리

u  엔진 공급 수요예측에 대한 영업/마케팅 관리 업무 진행 연간 사업계획(AOP)  지원 업무

u  P & L관리

u  국내외 건설장비 시장 동향 조사 경쟁력 확보를 위한 전략 개발 지원 업무

u  신규 고객사 비즈니스 개발 업무 진행에 대한 Project Management 업무

u   Global (미국/영국/중국/인도 ) 커민스사 유관 부서와의 업무 진행 (영어회화 능력 중요)


  • 필요한 역량(Competency)

u  대외 고객사 업무 경험 자동차 or 건설장비 or 자동차/건설장비 관련 부품사에서 기술영업 프로젝트매니지먼트 경험자

u  엔지니어링 전공/경험자 영업/마케팅 분야로의 업무 변경  전환 희망자 업무에 대한 역량 소유하신

u  혹은, 경영대학원 전공 Global 업무 경험을 통한 제조업에서 영업/마케팅 경력개발을 계획하시는 .

u  기존 고객에 대한 제품판매, 수익성 관리 시장점유율 확대를 위한 업무 역량 확보하신 .

u  신규 제품에 대한 판매 고객 개발 전략수립 능력을 보유하신 .

u  국내/해외 Count partner들과의 커뮤니케이션에 뛰어나신 ( 영어 회화 문서작성 능력 필수)


In this role, you will make an impact in the following ways:

  • Supports the account team in developing and maintaining positive customer relationships. Assists in

  • organization of customer visits and negotiations.

  • Supports the account team in identifying customer needs.

  • As requested, helps curate/organize data and information that will help a specific customer to

  • evaluate Cummins benefits.

  • Provides information to the account team to support the negotiation and implementation of

  • contracts with accounts.

  • Helps coordinate communication and interfaces with the customer at appropriate levels. Coordinates

  • internal communication across sales roles and segments and/or with internal stakeholders.

  • Supports the account team to meet revenue and share goals within assigned accounts.

  • Act as a champion for the voice of the customer within the business. Supports projects intended to

  • improve customer relationships and customer value and to grow the business with assigned

  • accounts.

  • Executes the Cummins Sales Process. Supports/Maintains accurate reporting and forecasting, using

  • Cummins tools and processes and Customer Relationship Management systems.

To be successful in this role you will need the following:

  • College, university, or equivalent degree in marketing, sales or a related subject or an acceptable combination of education and experience required. This position may require licensing for compliance with export controls or sanctions regulations.

  • 8-15 relevant work experience required. Customer-facing experience preferred.

  • Sense Making - Through a series of diagnostic and probing questions and research, develops and/or

  • supports an intimate understanding of the customer needs, behaviors, and/or their buying journey.

  • Synthesizes complex information from internal and external resources to deliver tailored solutions

  • for the internal or external customer.

  • Account Planning - Identifies objectives to drive execution of business and/or account strategy by

  • reviewing the status relative to where it needs to be and enabling tracking of progress against

  • targets.

  • Adapts to target audience - Explains complex topics (significant technical data, subject matter

  • expertise, etc.) in such a way that the target audience (e.g. sales professionals, customers, training

  • vendors, etc.) can understand, retain, and use the information

  • Integrates Customer Perspective - Incorporates an understanding of the customers` perspective on

  • our products and sales efforts to develop sales content that improves our ability to meet their needs

  • and increase revenue.

  • Sales Forecasting - Collects and assesses customer data from internal and external sources;

  • compares against historical data to determine useful inputs and create a forecast of future

  • consumption patterns.

  • Sales Pipeline Management - Plans proactively for successful execution of account/territory-level

  • sales strategies and plans based on current pipeline; evaluates pipeline health (size, contents,

  • progress); adjusts sales strategy, plans, or high impact activities accordingly; as applicable coaches

  • sellers in order to achieve sales objectives.

  • Articulating Value Proposition - Interprets internal and external customer needs based on relevant

  • application; explains and demonstrates products, solutions, and services to distinguish strengths

  • and weaknesses to meet customer`s specific needs to differentiate against competition.

  • Pricing Strategy - Develops prices by aligning and building consensus with key stakeholders across

  • functions to achieve business targets.

  • Channel Awareness - Explains and contextualizes industry structure, dynamics, and path to market

  • in order to advance organizational goals.

  • Communicates effectively - Developing and delivering multi-mode communications that convey a

  • clear understanding of the unique needs of different audiences.

  • Customer focus - Building strong customer relationships and delivering customer-centric solutions.

  • Ensures accountability - Holding self and others accountable to meet commitments.

  • Instills trust - Gaining the confidence and trust of others through honesty, integrity, and

  • authenticity


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