(고객센터) CRC Coffee Specialist

네슬레코리아(유)는 2014년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 155억 9,450만원, 매출액 4169억 5천만, 사원수 483명 규모이며, 한국인터넷전문가협회에서 주관한 웹 어워드 코리아 2015 수상기업입니다. 서울 서대문구 충정로 70 (미근동, 웨스트게이트타워)에 위치하고 있으며, 유통, 커피사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

  1. - 인입되는 CS call 받으며 order 주문 및 반품 처리 진행. 리뷰 관련 소셜/이메일 응대. 콜 이외에도 admin 업무처리가 가능하신 분
  2. - Only Agency 경력, 경력단절, 고등학교 졸업자 지원 가능
  3. - 서대문 오피스 본사 소속이며, 3+2 (3일 오피스/2일 재택) working 가능함
  4. - 최소 1년 고객센터 콜 업무 경험자
  5. - 엑셀 활용 가능(vlookup, pivot table 작성 등) & 영어 메일링 가능

Main Purpose of Job
To support Nespresso customers, to act as a Brand ambassador and to continuously elevate the customer experience throughout the customer lifecycle by transforming each touchpoint in opportunities to build brand engagement, trust, loyalty, with a 1st point of contact mindset.
- Serves customers in inbound and outbound contacts using voice or digital platforms, by promptly identifying, understanding and addressing their specific needs and expectations. 
- Achieves high customer satisfaction through personalized and professional communication, by applying the brand tone of voice to each touchpoint and situation? 
- Impacts the customer effort positively by addressing obstacles diligently, asking questions and understanding customer history and by offering efficient and relevant solutions. 
- Handles conversations are objections with respect, using active listening skills effectively to identify customer trends and behaviors,  
- Delivers an outstanding level of service to the customer by balancing the respect of quality, business and compliance standards, procedures and reasoned exceptions adequately. 
- Solves customer complaints with the best balance between, effectiveness, fast and precise solutions based on market’s current processes.  
- Shows great sensitivity towards the impact that each word and phrasing can have on customers and recipients in general.  
- Through empathy fosters positive conversations and focuses on effective problem solving. 
- On the phone: converse with customers in a spontaneous way, asking questions, showing genuine interest in their situation, using storytelling skills to bring our brand to life.  
- For digital touchpoints: craft effective messages with impeccable grammar, spelling and punctuation, showing appreciation of the customer`s priorities and using the appropriate level formality depending on the touchpoint (Email, Chat, Social Media)  
- Specifically for Social Media: communicate in an engaging way in the public space of Social Media, creating content which is meaningful not only to one requestor (as it is the case with all the other touchpoints) but a wide range of people (consumers, potential customers, casual page visitors, brand fans, NGOs, etc.). 
- Uses all the skills and information available to obtain First Contact Resolution and avoiding customers to call more than one time for their problem to be solved
- Is an ambassador and holds expert knowledge of Nespresso products B2C, B2B, Nestle Authorized Brands, the services and sustainability commitments, continuously learns and leverages new knowledge and skills in own work. - Continuously develops deep knowledge, skills and expertise around coffee, products, services, processes and machines, proactively identifies own performance/knowledge gaps and takes ownership of own development plan. 
- Translates expertise into each customer contact, uses adequate vocabulary and gives the level of information needed according to the customer’s situation. 
- Inspires customers with authenticity and helps them explore their options for a tailormade coffee experience proposal.
- Creates customer retention and sales opportunities across outbound and inbound contacts, influences coffee mixity, high value customers, order size or value through genuine interest in customers and their habits, leveraging relevant offers. 
- Assures added-value to customers using acquired sales skills such as storytelling, open questions, active listening, up- and cross-selling methods.? 
- Handles challenging conversations and objections expertly, offers customers new options and valuable solutions, using learned methods such as objection cycle, active listening and open questions. 
- Identifies both spoken and unspoken needs, spotting opportunities for sales and brand promotion (proposing new products or encouraging calls to action).
- Is an expert in operational processes, in line with quality, business and compliance rules.  
- Contributes to Customer service excellence by proposing continuous improvements in the existing processes, recommending new and more efficient ways of working across all CRC tasks (internally and at the outsourcer`s), in order to continuously raise the bar and improve the customer journey and lifecycle 
- Assures data quality and follow-up across all interactions and channels.? ? 
- Performs all tasks and decisions in line with Nestle/Nespresso quality standards, procedures and compliance rules, including gestures of goodwill. 
- Operates all tools available, such as ERP and intranet, in a steady and agile way.? 
- Where relevant, delivers back-office support to B2C and B2B Commercial team, such as in contracts and customer data management. 
- Gets aligned to Nespresso/Nestle compliance policies when performing.

Job Descriptions

- Min 1 year of Customer service environment 

- Ability to work multi-task and in a fast-paced environment using different digital tools and software


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


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