㈜맨파워코리아는 1999년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 15억원, 매출액 4500억, 사원수 11,000명 규모의 중견기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로 409 (삼성동, 동신빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

3PL Liaison Coordinator
( 1명 )

[ 회사 정보 ]
- 해당 분야 업계 1위 미국계 글로벌 기업
- 175개국 이상 고객 및 10,000명 이상의 직원 보유
- Hybrid & 유연근무제 운영

[ 포지션 명칭 ] 
Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Liaison Coordinator 
: 1년 육휴대체 (고객사 직소속)

[ 업무 요약 ] 
In this role, you will be managing the document and transactional flow between our company and the 3PL(s), and be committed to providing the highest level of service to our customers. 
You will thoroughly research and troubleshoot customer’s questions and complaints and demonstrate prompt and thorough attention to all requests. 

[ 상세 업무 ]
- Coordinate and monitor inbound shipments & outbound deliveries, to and from the 3PL, support inventory movement between our company and the 3PL, and process corresponding workflow and transactions in our SAP system.

- Manage the entire document flow between Distribution, finance, CS/CTS, Ref-Lab, our 3PL, and our customers.

- Address all special requests from customers, handle process exceptions, and collaborate with internal stakeholders (Customer Support, Customer Technical Support, Reference Lab, Finance) and the 3PL to coordinate troubleshooting and escalate activities.

- Take proactive actions to ensure that the customer delivery commitment is met and communicate results to our teams.

- Responsible for inventory management to ensure adequate stocking level and conduct cycle-counting.

- Follow-up on all internal customer questions related to logistic topics and issues.

- Act as the primary liaison between our company and the 3PL for all day-to-day communication and maintain the relationship with the 3PL in the best interest of our company and its customers.

[ 필수 사항 ] 

- 학사 (유관 전공 선호)
- 1~4년 물류 관련 업무 (3PL 창고 관리 경력 포함 필수)
- SAP 경험
- 업무상 원활한 영어

[ 우대 사항 ]
- CPIM 또는 CSCP 보유
- Cold Chain 관리 경험


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