SW Engineer in Test

포지션 및 자격요건

SW Engineer in Test
( 1명 )

◈ 직무 개요
- AWS Cloud 서비스와 기타 CSPs인Azure/GCP & Kubernetes에 대한 기술 전문 지식과 심층적인 지식을 활용하여 테스트 전략을 설계, 구현 및 관리

◈ 경력 요건
? Proficient in Python, Golang programming, with hands-on experience using the Pytest framework for developing robust testing solutions
? Demonstrated experience with AWS services (compute, storage, and networking) and experience with EKS (Exposure to GKE , AKE is considered advantage)
? Experience in using Infrastructure as Code (IaC), specifically with Terraform, to automate processes. Proficient in integrating workflow engines such as GitHub Actions for the entire automation pipeline. This includes provisioning infrastructure across multi-cloud CSP managed Kubernetes services
? Expertise in Kubernetes, thoroughly versed in all its fundamental concepts, and experienced with strategies for multi-cloud environments
? Bilingual in Korean and English
? Excellent written and verbal communication skills
? Ability to collaborate effectively with team members across different time zones and locations
? Experience in Github actions
Proficiency in project management, particularly usingJira
? Business English 


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