Orion Governance(오리온 거버넌스)는 2017년에 설립된 데이터 관리 분야의 선도 기업으로, 

data cataloging, data lineage, data trust, data governance, and metadata management를 통해 

기업 데이터의 총소유비용(TCO)을 줄이는 서비스를 제공합니다. 

글로벌 5,000대 기업에 서비스를 제공하며, California San Mateo에 본사를 두고 

에스토니아, 스웨덴, 싱가포르, 독일, 인도 등에서 지사를 운영 중입니다(한국 지사 확장 예정).

원격 근무, 경쟁력 있는 급여, 업계 선도적인 혜택을 포함한 정규직 채용 기회를 제공합니다.


  •  Skilled in Selenium, Cucumber, and Python: Expert in automating tests with Selenium, using Cucumber for BDD, and Python for scripting.

  •  Understanding of REST APIs and Databases: Well-versed in REST API testing and database interactions, ensuring functionality, reliability, and security.

  • ● Advanced Automation Skills: Proficiency in additional automation tools and frameworks such as Postman for API testing, Appium for mobile application testing, and Jenkins for continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes.

  • Test Strategy and Planning: Ability to develop comprehensive test strategies and plans, including risk analysis, test scoping, resource planning, and scheduling to ensure effective test coverage.

  • Soft Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, excellent communication and teamwork abilities, adaptability to changing technologies and methodologies, and strong attention to detail.

  • Continuous Learning: Commitment to continuous learning and professional development to stay updated with the latest testing technologies, tools, and best practices.

  • Must be open to travel and working in other countries at least 4-6 weeks in a year.
