[WWF-Korea] Fundraising Officer 채용 

전 세계 100여 개 국가에서 활동하고 있는 세계최대규모 자연보전기관 WWF(세계자연기금) 한국본부에서 자연과 인류가 조화롭게 공존하는 지속 가능한 미래를 만들기 위한 후원금 모금 사업을 지원하는 Fundraising team의 Officer를 채용합니다.

본 포지션은 후원자 모집을 위한 프로그램 전략 구성/ 개발 등을 통해 WWF Korea에 실질적이고 안정적인 재정 기여를 위한 새로운 채널 확장, 플랫폼 구축의 업무를 담당하게 됩니다.

Department Goals  

  •    Engage and recruit a large pool of committed individual supporters to ensure the continued growth of the Korea office; development of a strong Korean conservation program and support of our international conservation programs.  
  •    Develop stable and reliable fundraising channels with strong and diverse income streams.
  •    Build and strengthen relationships with a pool of loyal members who are engaged, participate in our programs and are poised to become our biggest champions. 
  •    Collaborate across teams to achieve WWF Korea’s organizational goals.

[공고 요약]

기본 역할 및 주요 담당 업무
 -  WWF Korea 개인후원회원 개발 및 유관 후원/펀드레이징 활동 과업 수행

 -  Fundraising Acquisition 채널 및 프로그램 운영(리서치, 기획, 시행, 모니터링 등)

 -  Fundraising Acquisition 에이전시 파트너 커뮤니케이션 및 모니터링

 -  개인후원회원 대상 온/오프라인 캠페인 및 이벤트 진행

 -  Fundraising Acquisition Team 업무 지원 및 KPI 트래킹 등 담당 업무 관련 행정 지원
자격 요건 및 경력기타 우대사항
 - 학력: 학사 졸업, 마케팅 또는 업무 관련 전공자/경험자 선호
 - 학사 졸업 신입 이상 지원 가능
 - 관련업무 2년이상 경력자 선호

 - PPT, 워드, 엑셀 등 기본적인 프로그램 활용
 - NGO 펀드레이징 업무 경험
 - B2C 마케팅, 세일즈 업무 경험
 - 비즈니스 영어 커뮤니케이션 숙달

[Major Functions/Objectives of the Position]

  -    Research, design, and implement the fundraising channels and programs to recruit individual donor members.

  -    Develop fundraising programs, products, and content to achieve the fundraising department and team goals through expanding individual donation revenue.

  -    Operate onsite and/or digital fundraising events to collect the potential individual donor target data and tangible individual donor income.

  -    Monitor and improve the fundraising channels and their performances by managing fundraising partner agencies and renewing fundraising programs.

  -    Assess the potential opportunities and current threats, and reorganize the fundraising channel business interactively to ensure financial sustainability with various required actions.

[Main Tasks & Responsibilities] 

Summary of Position’s Task and Responsibility
 Fundraising officer will be responsible mainly for individual giving and fundraising acquisition activities. This position will assist in implementing fundraising programs and developing fundraising products and content.  

 Under the direct supervision of the line manager, this position will perform the following tasks and activities to achieve the team`s goals and objectives.    

Task and Responsibility
1. Fundraising market and trend research & assessment
  a. Initial market, trend, and situation research, assessment, and report  
  b. Data and material collection for fundraising program and/or product development  
  c. Identify current and future fundraising opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses

2. Fundraising program and product design & development  
  a. Fundraising content/resource achieving and success case localization of WWF global/regional network     b. New fundraising program and product designing and planning  
  c. Signature program and campaign development per fundraising channel and target persona

3. Fundraising program and event implementation  
  a. Quarter, semi-annual, and annual fundraising program planning for annual implementation  
  b. Donor (member) cultivation and donation revenue (income) collection in alignment with team and department goal of donor number, and sign-up (pledge) targets  
  c. Fundraising program and event implementation for contributing to achieving the department and team’s fundraising goal  
  d. Break-even ROI-based fundraising program budget creation and project cycle execution  
  e. Fundraising product and content operation based on donor member data, experience, and journey

4. Donor data assessment and fundraising partner management  
  a. Donor characteristics and other insightful factor collection through basic Saas (Software as a service) solutions such as DONUS, SG Support, and so on  
  b. Productive, proactive, and professional communication with fundraising agency partners for progress tracking of the fundraising results  
  c. Identify new fundraising and financial expansion opportunities based on donor data assessment and agency fundraising result    

5. Fundraising channel and program performance monitoring and management  
  a. Performance-driven fundraising channel and program management with regular report writing  
  b. Perform fundraising administrative work required for the position’s task and responsibility  
  c. Undertake any other relevant duties or projects delegated by the line manager, which are in line with the responsibilities of the job description. 

 ◈ This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from staff. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs.   

1. Knowledge

  •    Bachelor’s degree in marketing or related field, or comparable experience.
  •    In lieu of degree, minimum 2 years or more years of relevant work experience

2. Skill and other qualifications preferred 

  1.    Excellent content and proposal writing skills 
  2.    Clear and strong interpersonal communication skills
  3.    Strong time and budget-based management skills
  4.    Strong presentation and negotiation skills
  5.    Strong analytical, problem-solving, and management skills
  6.    Ability to manage multiple channels and programs concurrently
  7.    Ability to learn new solutions and systems 
  8.    Ability to adapt to changing market demands and diverse work environment
  9.    Excellent MS Office Suite processing skills.
  10.    Fluency in Korean and English for business situations 

3. Attitude 

  1.    Alignment with the core values of the WWF organization: Courage, Integrity, Respect & Collaboration 
  2.    Proactive approach in fundraising management support for Fundraising Acquisition as a team player
  3.    Self-observation and reflection approach for growth in both team and self’s performance
  4.    Accuracy and detail-oriented approach to implementation
  5.    Pioneering and innovative approach to new attempts

[Working Relationships]
- Internal: Nurture and maintain positive relationships with WWF-Korea staffs and WWF Network
- External: Vendors, partners, members, parties of interest, leads. Other NGOs, KOLs, government agencies that have conservation objectives and goals that are similar or complementary to those of WWF-Korea

[Type of contract]
1 year Fixed term (following 3 months probationary period)
According to the fixed term review, extended contract can be offered.

How to apply? 

If you would like to learn more and soon join our team, please send us your application by email to recruitment@wwfkorea.or.kr including following documents in one MS Word file; Please use the subject line to indicate which position you are applying for.

1.       A letter of motivation in English,

2.       A resume in Korean,

3.       At least 2 contacts for the reference check (2차 면접 진행 시 제출)

4.       `개인정보 수집 및 이용 수칙 동의서` (Agreement on the Collection and Usage of Personal Information) WWF-Korea 홈페이지 채용 공고 내 첨부 파일 참조

After the document screening, it will be processed as follows;

1.       1st interview

2.       Reference check & Online Aptitude test

3.       2nd interview with the Directors

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Many thanks for your interest in WWF-Korea and this opportunity.

Please do not put your resident registration number in any application documents specified above. In case any certificate includes your resident registration number, please make sure to conceal the number not to be exposed resident registration number.