(BPO 해외취업-말레이시아) 글로벌 SNS 플랫폼 Transcriber 채용

포지션 및 자격요건

( 16명 )


  • - Responsible for typing and translating internal documents.
  • - Transcribing social media platform’s video/audio and a dedication to capturing every spoken word.
  • - Become and remain knowledgeable about social media products and community standards.
  • - Understanding intricate formatting guidelines and client-specific notations.
  • - Important to meet deadlines and maintain complete accuracy.
  • - Mastering the latest software to recommending cutting-edge upgrades, a tech-savvy transcriptionist is required.
  • - Identify inefficiencies in workflows and suggest solutions.
  • - Gather, analyze and utilize relevant data to develop ways to improve the overall user experience on the site


  • - Ability to type English / Korean fast and accurately(WPM 70 or above)
  • - Excellent grammar, spelling and punctuation skills.
  • - Excellent verbal communication, listening and computer skills.
  • - Familiarity with Microsoft Windows operating system.
  • - Fluency in English and Korean (OPIK 5 or above)


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