외국계 화학제품 도매 유통사 회계 및 

경리 경력직 채용

네오리소스는 1999년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 1억원 사원수 10명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로25길 20 (역삼동, 역삼현대벤쳐텔)에 위치하고 있으며, 외국계기업 및 국내기업 고급인재 전문 써치펌사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

( 1명 )


1.Accounting work

Including all the accounting work of the company, the preparation of financial reports, the audit of annual report, the application of government subsidy, and the management of accounts receivable and accounts payable, and the inventory management.

2.Internal Financial Management Support

Including the preparation of annual budget and financial analysis, which includes monthly analysis of the operation performance and tracking the budget progress. 

3.Tax management

Including the monthly, quarterly and yearly tax returns of various kinds of taxes, annual tax audit, and daily tax risk prevention, etc. Accounting firm can be engaged for tax return.

4.Fund work

Including submitting materials to the banks for accounts opening, LC issuing, checks receiving and paying, and credit granting, check of bank account receipts and payments and its feedback, the entry of account payment as well as cash flow management etc.

5.Operations and risk management supportive work

Including regular participation in inventory check, accounts check, aged inventory check, overdue receivables verification and operational risk control assistance, etc.

6.ERP system work

Selection and utilization of software according to the management need; data management according to budget and business details, providing reliable data and reports for management.


ㆍ해당 근무 경력 3~6년

ㆍ 영어 또는 중국어 능통자

ㆍ 학사이상

기장부터 본사 reporting까지 가능하신 분


ㆍ법인세 신고 가능한 분


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