
[외국계] Industrial Marketing Intern 

- 6개월(정규직 전환 가능)

HR컨설팅㈜는 2008년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 1억 5,000만원, 매출액 20억원, 사원수 35명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 테헤란로33길 11 (역삼동, JS빌딩)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅, HR 컨설팅, 인재파견사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Marketing Intern
( 1명 )

Main Responsibilities:

- Collect and refresh key market indicators on a regular basis to provide external views on the macro and segment-specific developments in centric of Semiconductor/Auto Parts and other specified target sector in Korea

- Conduct market sizing or research projects to map out the size of prizes and potential customer lists, as well as to understand the key market trends and developments for paper packaging Consumer Packaging segment.

- Support various strategic initiatives across APAC, incl. project coordination, data analysis/financial modeling, and synthesis of key findings and lead recommendations

- Handle other ad-hoc projects as assigned.

Job Requirements:

- Graduate student (국내외 4년제 휴학생/대졸자 혹은 대학원 재학생)

- Good business sense and financial acumen, with education background in accounting, finance or other business related majors preferred.

- Strong in secondary research and data analysis - able to independently carry out research projects

- Prefer to have prior part-time assistant experiences in consulting firms or investment banks.

- High proficiency in Excel, PowerPoint

- Good communication skills in English

What We Offer:

- Corporate culture based on integrity, respect, accountability and excellence

- Comprehensive training with numerous learning and development opportunities

- Compensation :  업계 최고 급여 가능

- A potential career with a global packaging company where Sustainability, Safety and Inclusion are business drivers and foundational elements of the daily work.

- 근무기간 : 6개월 (Negotiable, 정규직 전환 가능함)


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 최종합격

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