[반도체 팹리스 스타트업]

Silicon Validation Engineer

인공지능 반도체와 컴파일러를 설계하는 스타트업입니다.
국내 AI 반도체 스타트업들 중 가장 높은 기업가치로 가장 많은 투자금(1,120억)을 유치하였으며, 월스트리트 고객사, 그리고 KT 데이터 센터와 NPU 상용화를 진행 중에 있으며 차별화된 기술 경쟁력을 바탕으로 확실한 국내외 비지니스 레퍼런스를 만들어 나가고 있습니다.

모집분야 및 자격요건

Silicon Validation Engineer ( 1명 )

Responsibilities & Opportunities
- Work on developing DDR PHY/DRAM initialization driver development and testing.
- Responsible for firmware development for memory tuning & optimization routines.
- Involved in pre/post-silicon bring up (power-on) of memory subsystem.
- Develop software routines for DDR PHY/DRAM initialization / training routines, equalization & IO tuning, SI/PI related optimization, etc.
- Validate and characterize the silicon features for DDR/GDDR/HBM
- Contribute to writing test conditions, executing test plan in pre/post silicon environments, perform failure analysis to come up with root causing of issues and coming up with innovative and effective solutions.

Key Qualification 
- Minimum of 3 years’ Firmware experience in a post-silicon validation environment
- Working experience with DDR4/5 controller and PHY, JEDEC and DFI specifications.
- Expert in DDR initialization firmware, controller features, equalization features validation and related tuning.
- Deep understanding of Server boot up flow and specifically DDR initialization process.
- Strong debug skills at both SoC and system level including DDR protocol level and signal integrity level issues.
- Experience in DDR RAS, Performance, Power features and related firmware routines for tuning/optimization
- Microcontroller & Embedded Systems Programming Experience in C/C++
- Strength in script languages such as Perl or Python, Linux shell script
- Must be a self-starting team player who can work with minimal guidance


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

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