[소프트웨어 개발기업]

Design Manager

북미와 유럽 사업을 활발히 하고 있는 소프트웨어 개발 스타트업 기업으로 글로벌 130개국에 고객을 보유하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Design Manager 
( 1명 )

Role Summary
We`re looking for a passionate Design Manager to lead the Design team and collaborate across Engineering, PM, and QA to develop ProtoPie products. This role directly reports to the CEO and requires extensive communication skills, logical thinking, and experience in people management and defining design problems.
This position is open in Seoul, South Korea or Vancouver, Canada, and you should be residing in South Korea or Vancouver, Canada.

- Lead and manage design teams in Seoul and Vancouver, including but not limited to setting goals and objectives, providing guidance and support, and managing performance.
- Build and deliver a long-term design strategy and vision that inspires and motivates team members.
- Collaborate across Engineering and other organizations to get alignment on the product vision and to drive success toward product direction and investments with innovative design solutions.
- Stay current on design trends, technologies, and tools, and incorporate them into the design team`s work as appropriate.

- Fluent in English & Korean
- 8+ years of experience in product design
- 2+ years of experience leading design teams
- Bachelor degree in Industrial Design, Product Design, Human-Computer Interaction, or a related field.

[ 근무조건 ]
- 자율근무제 (한국 표준 근무시간 오전 10시 ~ 오후 7시) 
- 고용 형태: 정규직 사원 (3개월 수습, 수습기간 중 급여 100% 지급)

근무지: 이태원 (리모트/재택 근무 가능)


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격

ㆍ면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.


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