
Executive Assistant - DMI Div.

㈜난다는 2007년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 2억 5,000만원, 매출액 2695억 935만, 사원수 590명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 마포구 서교동에 위치하고 있으며, 쇼핑몰(뷰티/패션)사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Executive Assistant

- DMI Div. 
( ○명 )


Takes responsibility for the administrative and organizational follow-up of a manager/team`s activities.

  • -Takes care of all administrative and technical assistance: calendar management, reception of calls, organization of business travel, entering receipts for expenses, processing mail, preparing responses, orders for office equipment, PO setup, etc. 
  • -Checks emails daily in order to act/alert if required. Manage confidentially.
  • -Organizes and coordinates the manager`s activities. Gathers, communicates, and dispatches information throughout the team, including booking meeting rooms
  • -Assist in coordinating the arrival of new employees (transfer files, FIT course planning, IT and telephone requests, etc.) within team.
  • -Puts together and maintains files and aids for internal and external meetings, and drafts reports on some team meetings 
  • -Assist in some regular tasks and analysis from DGM (internal communication and regular/standardized report).
  • -Work in close collaboration with Zone assistants (calendar management, meeting and visit preparation). 
  • -If necessary, works in partnership and shares some of his/her assistantship activities with another assistant. 
  • -Assists to coordinate and prepare for team meetings/events/workshops/townhalls/celebrations


  • -Education:  University graduate (Bachelor`s degree) 
  • -Years of experience : Minimum 3~6 years career experience as Executive Assistant 
  • -Specific Career Experience
    • -At least 3 years’ experience in assisting Management Committee Member (Director, Country Manager, General Manager etc.) 
  • -Language: Fluent in both Korean and English (English Communication skill is mandatory) 
  • -Other Skills: Proficient with MS Word, PPT, Excel

(*Please attach your updated Eng. resume when you apply.)


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