[외국계 침대 전문 브랜드] 

대형마트 영업관리 (대리~과장급)

(주)써치포리더스는 2000년에 설립된 회사로 중소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 삼성동에 위치하고 있으며, 인력공급 및 경영컨설팅사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

[외국계 침대 브랜드]

대형마트 영업관리 

( 1명 )


·         C***** online and offline sales management

·         Progress and performance of major period promotion

·         Increase the profit margin through the efficient operation of the product.

·         Product Merchandising

·         Performing common tasks within the team

·         C***** Buying office Relationships ? Develop and maintain soundly based, mutually value adding business relationships, particularly through the meeting process and the reports used to structure those meetings.

·         Merchandising ? Develop and maintain effective product/price proposition spreadsheets.

·         Ranging ? Ensure that the sales supervisory team and store managers achieve the Company’s product ranging objectives. 

·         Promotional Activity ? Ensure that the sales supervisory team and store managers execute in Store promotional plan, and identify and execute ad hoc promotional opportunities.


ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상

ㆍ경력 : 경력3년↑


ㆍ엑셀 고급능력 보유자



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