모집부문 및 자격요건

[채용 직무명] 

- Marketing부문 Asso. NB Strategy & Portfolio Director

- 경력10년 이상 


Lead the long-term strategic initiatives for National Brands.

-Build brand world (incl. PBBP) for each brand.

-Brand architecture / Innovation Pipeline Goal / Market Expansion for each brand.

-Oversee the entire business strategy & portfolio of National Brands.

-Lead the 1YP process by defining the target audience and developing jobs to resonate with them. Also, keep advice for creative solutions and activation, etc.

-Set up and keep monitoring KPIs and give direction to the entire team to achieve KPIs.

-Lead an ongoing innovation agenda to create new business opportunities for each brand (with Innovation Team).

-Continue to pilot new marketing approaches through next-gen MKT and community MKT based on passion points (with each Brand Activation Team).

-Lead important report materials for BU, ZONE and Global.


-Commercial Acumen

-Good at numbers, consumer insights, and logical thinking

-Good at storytelling and documenting

-Strong resilience and flexible thinking for problem solving

-Work hard & Play hard / Good team player

-over 10 years of working experiences in marketing or related areas


-Major FMCG, Branding /MKT Consulting experience is preferred


-Proactive & Strong Drive with Passion for Beer


- 서울 강남

* 가지고 계신 이력서를 보내 주시면, 검토후 적정 후보자에게 회사소개와 제출양식을 보내 드립니다.  

송영준 상무

HR컨설팅㈜  www.HRcon.co.kr  "노동부인증 고용서비스 우수기관"

Mobile:     010-9733-7172

TEL:        02-6207-0259(직통), 02-522-3887(Fax)

Email:      young@HRcon.co.kryjsong4777@naver.com

<링크드인 http://linkedin.com/in/youngjoon-song-89b64874 > 

- 미국 텍사스주립대, Computer Science, 석사(박사수료) 

- KT연구소 연구원, KT투자 창업벤처 대표이사, 코스닥상장 중소기업 사업본부장(연구소장겸임) 경력

- HR컨설팅 ICT / Bio / Global / Research / Industry 분야 리딩컨설턴트