[BEK] Prep Campus

한국어 이중언어 교사 모집

Korean bilingual teacher required 

          강남구에 HQ를 두고 있는 BEK(British Education Korea)는 유아부터 18세까지 학생들에게 영국식 탐구중심 커리큘럼을 교육하고 있는 중견교육그룹입니다.
    - 1999년 분당의 몬테소리 Preprep 설립을 시작으로 현재 5개의 영국계 국제 교육 기관(강남, 용산, 분당, 동탄)을 운영 중 
        - K-12 통합 교육 과정을 제공하는 국내 유일한 COBIS 기관
        - 2023년 현재 450명의 학생들이 재학중이며 약 100명의 교직원들이 근무 중
        - CAIE(Cambridge Assessment International Education)으로부터 정식 인증 받은 교육을 제공하며 해외에서 정식 학력 인정

포지션 및 자격요건

한국어이중언어 교사 ( 1명 )

Required from October 2023

○ Korean bilingual teacher

We are now hiring qualified English-speaking Korean bilingual teachers to fill a position at our Prep campus, which caters to 6-11 year olds. All applicants should have a bachelor’s degree and experience in a Primary setting is highly desirable.

Job Description

Our Korean bilingual and English-speaking foreign teachers share a year-group classroom and co-teach a small number of students. Both teachers work together to lead and support teaching and learning, nurture the social and emotional development of their students, as well as carrying out duties such as planning and assessment, and communicating with parents and Headteachers.

Job Requirements

- Bachelor’s Degree or above- Korean teachers must have a good command of English 

- Korean teachers must have a good command of English 

- Experience teaching 6-11 year-olds preferred

- Majoring in related degrees preferred

Other Skills Required

- Team player 

- Flexible

- Good communication skills

Working Time 

The normal working day runs from 8.00am-4.45pm. All full-time members of staff should be available on campus throughout the working day unless they have been given specific permission by the Headteacher or are engaged in some official activity. Staff have a 60 minute lunch break. 


BEK’s Child Protection Policy

British Education Korea is committed to safeguarding children and young people. All post-holders are subject to satisfactory Criminal Records (police check) disclosure from their most recent countries of residence and in accordance with immigration requirements from successful applicants’ passport country.

About BEK

At BEK, we strive to achieve the highest standards of best practice in international education. Therefore, we unify an inquiry-based approach with the Cambridge International Curriculum, supplemented by the National Curriculum of England. We recognize each child as unique and offer them a holistic education. 

Our facilities are engaging spaces that help build the foundations of students’ Primary education. We support inquiry-based learning and encourage the development of independent curiosity, such as exploring the environment, asking questions, searching for answers, problem-solving, creativity and imagination. Our qualified and experienced teachers ensure each child reaches academic success. They provide excellent opportunities for child-centred learning, as well as providing the necessary pastoral care. The lower Primary classes are supported with a bilingual teacher to ensure a seamless transition between Korean and English where necessary.

*Suitable candidates will be contacted directly for an interview with the Headteacher.


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