외국계회사 Product Marketing 대리급 정규직 채용

한국허벌라이프㈜는 1996년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 98억 5,000만원, 매출액 1,664억 849만원, 사원수 78명 규모의 고용노동부에서 선정한 강소기업입니다. 서울 강남구 논현로 706에 위치하고 있으며, 건강기능식품, 화장품사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Product Marketing 대리급
( 1명 )

  • 이력서 제출처: 자사 홈페이지 https://careersapac-herbalife.icims.com/jobs/9728/sr.-coordinator---product-marketing---south-korea/job
    제출서류: 영문 이력서 & 영어실력 검증을 위한 1분 영어 자기소개 영상

  • 포지션: Sr. Coordinator, Product Marketing
    Korean title: 대리급
    학력: 4년제 대학이상 졸업자로 관련 전공자(식품영양, 식품공학, 생물학과, 미생물학과, 식품 조리학, 생명공학)
    영어능력: 최상급, 영어 인터뷰 가능 수준.(참고 영상 - https://youtu.be/zTBSTvzxP4k)
    -. new product/promotion launch and related tool development
    -. product package creation and renewal
    -. product-based project implementation
    -. communication with APAC and HO counter partners
    -. conducting tasks on Agile - New Product Development process application
    -. sensory test by supporting Supervisor
    -. vendor control by supporting Supervisor
    -. communication with Members for product sales tool development
    -. product literature development and update
    -. product training

    1. Responsible for supporting of product marketing such as new product launch, product promotion, product management and etc.
    2. Market research to identify consumers’ needs and market trend, competitors and industries, etc.
    3. Support introduction of new products and set a launch plan and activities
    4. Product related material development and post-launch sales follow up
    5. Product sales monitor and conduct promotion when it’s needed
    6. Prepare product reports and presentations
    7. Assist to conduct sensory test and consumer survey and analysis the result whenever it would be necessary
    8. Support to conduct product trainings
    9. Good communication with outside vendors, members and APAC region and the HO
    10. Prepare product marketing related report and presentations in English and Korean both.
    11. Develop product training contents to conduct the training 


ㆍ서류전형 > 1차면접 > 최종합격

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