
Global Business Development Specialist- DMI Division

㈜난다는 2007년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 2억 5,000만원, 매출액 2695억 935만, 사원수 590명 규모의 중소기업입니다. 서울 마포구 서교동에 위치하고 있으며, 쇼핑몰(뷰티/패션)사업을 하고 있습니다.

포지션 및 자격요건

Global Business Development Specialist
( 1명 )

3CE DMI_Global Business Development is a team that drives the brand’s business strategy. We are the frontline representatives of the DMI with local markets. We ensure the DMI vision comes to life in the most on-brand yet pragmatic way in each market, based on their local relevancy.

-Launch calendar ? Manage both DMI internal and each local market calendar. Drive the lead the discussion with local market to ensure the most optimal timing of the launches  
-Ensure local IMC plan is designed within the frame of DMI IMC plan, communicate a finalized plan for DMI internal alignment before local market execution
-Share monthly business updates to wider business
-Share best practices for each launch, ad-hoc competitor studies 
-Key communication lead on all local market operational marketing matters
-Trade marketing ? GWP strategy, providing guideline and approval to ensure on brand execution in each market 
-Provide general support for different local market needs 

-Education: University graduate (Bachelor`s degree)
-Years of experience: Prefer 4+ years of marketing/business experience 
-Career Experience
     -Experienced Product/IMC manager who is ready to step up for a more senior              marketing role with added business development exposure 
     -Experience in managing multi markets is a bonus
     -Strong communication skill is a must 
     -Ability to manage multiple projects and various stakeholders, catering to their              needs 
     -Able to work independently and proactively is a must
-Language: Fluent in Korean and English (Chinese/ Mandarin is a bonus)
-Other Skills: Proficiency in MS Office - Excel & Powerpoint in particular
*Please attach your updated Eng. resume when you apply*


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