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2015년 하반기 인턴 경영·비즈니스기획 합격자소서

합격자 정보 서울4년 경제학과 학점 3.8/4.5 토익 965 토스 Level8 자격증 3개 해외경험 2회


자소서 항목

  • Q1. 성장과정
  • Q2. 대인관계
  • Q3. 직업관/가치관
  • Q4. 자기개발

합격 자소서

“Learn whatever, whenever.”
I would like to introduce myself by presenting the experience I had in Canada, when I visited the country in 2013. My father runs a business, and it was in trouble at the time. For several months, the company hadn’t yielded a single penny. My family wasn’t able to sustain our everyday life. So, I decided to go to Canada for 6 months to work.

I got a job at a convenience store in Toronto. In that small store, I’ve learned many things I would otherwise have not learned. First, I learned to be responsible. I learned that when working at the store, I represent the store, and I am in charge of whatever happens.
Second, I learned the meaning of hard work. Working hard is easier said than done. It takes endurance and commitment to work hard every day. The experience in Canada gave me the chance to discover those qualities in myself.

Most importantly, that experience taught me to be positive. It definitely was a difficult situation, but it was also a chance to learn.

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“you trust them, they trust you”
When I was 15 years old, I went to the United States as an exchange student. I stayed with an American family in their house for 1 year. They really took me in as their family. That was when I learned the value of trust. Ever since, it has been my prime objective to have faith and be true with the people around me.

I found out through experience that trusting people definitely helps to maintain solid friendship. Because I try to trust my friends, they also try to trust me, and that is how it gets easier to understand each other.

It also helped when working together with others. For example, I had to do a team project with 3 of my classmates at school. We divided the work into 4 parts and each member was in charge of one. Because we trusted each other to complete their work, we could focus on our own task. Plus, we were more motivated to work hard. As a result, we were able to successfully finish the project.

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“Give everything my best.”
I think of job as an opportunity to explore my competence and potentials. That is why I take job seriously and wish to be great at it. To be great at what I do, whatever the job may be, takes efforts, and I have always given efforts to tasks given to me.

When I worked at the convenience store in Toronto, I memorized prices of almost all of the items being sold at the store. Because I did so, I was able to keep the store open even when the barcode scanner in the store abruptly broke down. When I was tutoring a high school student, I went through articles of teaching methods that helped students perform better for reference. I presented a new study plan to the student, and we tried it. She gained confidence in writing tests and her marks improved.

It is my principle to do my best at what I do, and my desire to be great at what I do is the driving force that makes me try. I would like the opportunity to do my best at KIC.

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Like I mentioned above, my goal is to be good at my job.
In 5 years, I would like to be able to make professional analysis on markets. I would like to be able to assess certain situation and explain what forces were at work to yield that outcome. More importantly, I would like to know what to do at the situation, based on my analysis.
In 10 years, I would like to be able to make careful predictions on future market situations.
What I am doing now for that is to start from the basics.

That is why I formed a small study group with my classmates at school. We try to apply the knowledge we learned from the books to what happens in the real world. We try to understand why certain index or price changed, with help of analysis made by professional analysts. I also subscribe magazine and read books to keep me updated.

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